Exploration of Halley's comet proceedings of the 20th ESLAB symposium of the exploration of Halley's comet, vol. I, held in Heidelberg, Germany, 27-31, October 1986 edited by B. Battrick, E. J. Rolfe and R. Reinhard by
- ESLAB Symposium of the Exploration of Halley's Comet 20th Heidelberg, Germany 1986 Oct. 27-31
- Battrick, B., ed
- Reinhard, R., ed
- Rolfe, E. J., ed
Series: ESA SP-250
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publication details: Noordwijk European Space Agency 1986
Availability: Items available for loan: IIA Library-Bangalore (1)Call number: 523.64(082.2)/ ESA-I.
Exploration of Halley's comet proceedings of the 20th ESLAB symposium of the exploration of Halley's comet,vol. II, dust & nucleus, held in Heidelberg, Germany, 27-31, October 1986 edited by B. Battrick, E. J. Rolfe and R. Reinhard by
- ESLAB Symposium of the Exploration of Halley's Comet 20th Heidelberg, Germany 1986 Oct. 27-31
- Battrick, B., ed
- Reinhard, R., ed
- Rolfe, E. J., ed
Series: ESA SP-250
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publication details: Paris European Space Agency 1986
Availability: Items available for loan: IIA Library-Bangalore (1)Call number: 523.64(082.2)/ ESA-II.
Exploration of Halley's comet proceedings of the 20th ESLAB symposium of the exploration of Halley's comet, vol. III, posters, held in Heidelberg, Germany, 27-31, October edited by B. Battrick, E. J. Rolfe and R. Reinhard by
- ESLAB Symposium of the Exploration of Halley's Comet 20th Heidelberg, Germany 1986 Oct. 27-31
- Battrick, B., ed
- Reinhard, R., ed
- Rolfe, E. J., ed
Series: ESA SP-250
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publication details: Paris European Space Agency 1986
Availability: Items available for loan: IIA Library-Bangalore (1)Call number: 523.64(082.2)/ ESA-III.
Small-scale plasma processes in the solar chromosphere/ corona, interplanetary medium and planetary magnetospheres proceedings of 21st ESLAB symsposium on small-scale plasma processes in the solar chromosphere/ corona, interplanetary medium and planetary magnetospheres, Bolkesjo Norway, 22-25, June 1987 edited by B. Battrick and E. J. Rolfe by
- ESLAB Symsposium on Small-Scale Plasma Processes in the Solar Chromosphere/ Corona, Interplanetary Medium and Planetary Magnetospheres 21nd Bolkesjo Norway 1987 June 22-25
- Battrick, B., ed
- Rolfe, E. J., ed
Series: ESA SP-275
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publication details: France European Space Agency 1987
Availability: Items available for loan: IIA Library-Bangalore (1)Call number: 52-726(082.2)/ ESA.
20th ESLAB symposium on the exploration of Halley's comet- dust and nucleus vol. II, proceedings of the International symposium held in Heidelberg, Germany, 27-31 Oct 1986 edited by Battrick, B. by
- ESLAB Symposium 20th Germany 1986 Oct. 27-31
- Battrick, B., ed
- Reinhard, R., ed
- Rolfe, E. J., ed
Series: ESA SP-250
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publication details: Paris European Space Agency 1986
Availability: Items available for loan: IIA Library-Bangalore (1)Call number: 523.64(082.2)/ ESA-II.