Probing our universe with sunyaev- zel'dovich effect a thesis submitted for the degree of doctor of philosoh in the Faculty of Science, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Majumdar, S
Probing our universe with sunyaev- zel'dovich effect a thesis submitted for the degree of doctor of philosoh in the Faculty of Science, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore [Ph.D Thesis] S. Majumdar - Banglaore Indian Institute of Science 2001 - xi, 182p.
galactic Winds
Power Spectrum
043:52 / MAJ
Probing our universe with sunyaev- zel'dovich effect a thesis submitted for the degree of doctor of philosoh in the Faculty of Science, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore [Ph.D Thesis] S. Majumdar - Banglaore Indian Institute of Science 2001 - xi, 182p.
galactic Winds
Power Spectrum
043:52 / MAJ